Serenity Now, open 7 days a week, provides licensed, professional and experienced massage therapists to provide the most trusted and valued, customer service driven, spa services. Future massage therapists and nail technicians can also train for their future careers with us. We are licensed by the State of Wisconsin.
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Currently enrolling in our 1 year (600 hours) massage therapy course.  Rolling enrollment allows you the convenience of starting towards your new career in either March, July or November.  Classes run Friday evening 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm and Saturday day 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.  Weekday options are available with enough interest.

Click below to download our school catalog for more information.  After reading the catalog, if you have further questions, please call and we will be glad to answer your questions.
Serenity Now, open 7 days a week, provides licensed, professional and experienced massage therapists to provide the most trusted and valued, customer service driven, spa services. Future massage therapists and nail technicians can also train for their future careers with us. We are licensed by the State of Wisconsin.